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Work package 9

Page history last edited by Gary Motteram 13 years, 9 months ago



Work Package 9: Exploitation

Overall summary

This package includes elements that have been put in place to support the continuation of this project. We have worked with a number of organisations throughout 2009-2010 and built up very good links with them. We have also made good contacts with individual teachers and here have a number of additional ways that we can work with them to support their teaching in Second Life. All of the work that we have produced is available under a Creative Commons Licence.





Deliverable reference
Description  Achievement
WP9-1 Strategic partnerships Links have already been made with a number of EU projects and external organisations
Live online language teacher job portal

ViTA Virtual Teachers Agency


A service point for language trainers

Service point for language teachers on AVALON Learning.



WP9-4 Creative Commons Licensing Strategy It was agreed at the December 2009 meeting in Vienna that all outputs would be distributed under a Creative Commons Share-Alike Non-commercial Licence.





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The material throughout this wiki is available under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike agreement established between the project partners.


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