
Work package 7

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Deliverables from workpackage 7


The links below will take you to sub-pages where you will find project deliverables with descriptions.


Deliverable reference
Description  Achievement
WP7-1   Development of criteria for action learning

In this workpackage we identified evaluation criteria for online teaching and learning in virtual environments. To do so, expert interviews within the Avalon partnership were conducted. Based on a survey which served as a first orientation concerning tendencies and possible evaluation criteria an interview guideline was developed. Eight experts were interviewed. Two reports were produced which inform the project coordinator and the project partners about the evaluation criteria identified during the expert interviews.

The two reports might also be relevant for people who are interested in retracing the AVALON project as a whole.

  Evaluation questionnaires
Based on the results of the Expert interviews a pre-course and a post-course-survey for participants 
were developed. The pre-course survey serves as a "check-in" in order to get information about the
participants that are relevant for the teachers. The post-course-survey evaluates the course. 
The surveys are provided as printable files as well as as Limesurvey (an open source surveying tool) 
questionnaire. The pre-course survey might be relevant for people who would also like to start teaching 
in Second Life and therefore might need some kind of "check-in" for their participants. The post-course-survey
can be used as an evaluation tool afterwards and can be adapted by the end-users in way it is needed. 
WP7-2 Evaluation of Action Learning phase
The answers from the participants' survey were analysed and presented in
written and pictorial form. Documents with descriptive pie charts were
prepared for each AVALON-course as well as an elaborated report based on
the answers from all surveys together.
  Evaluation of Action Learning phase
On the basis of the participants' survey and the evaluation report an 
qualitative interview guideline for participants was developed and 8 participants 
from the business english course were interviewed representativly. These 
interviews gave a more detailed insight in certain thematic issues which 
arose during the analysis of the previous survey.
Evaluation of Pilot Training Course The evaluation was conducted by UoM as part of WP6.




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