Work package 5




Work package 5: Preparing for the Teacher Training Course

Overall summary

The main aim of this work package was to design a teacher training course to be used to train language teachers in Second Life. We created a Moodle area for the course where we put up the syllabus and schedule for the course and the resources that would be useful for the tutors and the trainees enrolled on the course. In this workpackage we also prepared a report detailing all the stages of the preparation of the language teacher training course.





Deliverable reference

Description  Achievement

Moodle courseware


This courseware includes the six week schedule of the course, outlining the aims and objectives of each week's session, a variety of resources aimed to help the trainees and the tutors, a theoretical conceptualisation of teaching and learning in Second Life that created the basis for the design of the course content Second Life conceptualisation.doc , a discussion forum where teachers shared thoughts and experiences and other materials and resources that trainees could refer to when they need to after the course has ended.

Access to the Moodle site is through the guest login and is available to everyone.



The live courses available in Moodle: (Login as Guest)

An archived version of the course can be downloaded from the repository:

This is the Course Syllabus:

AVALON Teacher Training Course Schedule.pdf


In-world training space


This deliverable responds to creating a learning Island for the AVALON project to be used for all teaching and learning activity during and after the project. The Teacher Training Course also took place on AVALON Learning Island.

The AVALON Learning Island was created in the early stages of the project, was used throughout and will continue to be available for public access for language learning and teacher training.


To view the Island, please visit:




WP5 Report


The report prepared at this stage includes a step-by-step description of the process of the design and development of the teacher training course up until the implementation stage. The report includes sections on the development of the Moodle site, the course content and  the syllabus, the criteria for selection of the trainees, invitation flyers for the course, and the process of the selection of participating trainees. The Appendices include the course schedule, the course flyer, information about candidates and the participating teachers, a copy of the invitation letters sent out to teachers and the theoretical conceptualisation mentioned in the description of WP5-1 above.

WP5 Report.pdf WP5




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The material throughout this wiki is available under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike agreement established between the project partners.