
Work Package 2

Page history last edited by Gary Motteram 14 years, 1 month ago




Work Package 2: Task and Scenario Design

Overall summary

In this work package we have developed and conducted various course scenarios using a method of action learning. The deliverables below provide overall models for language courses in virtual worlds, but also insight into the processes that went towards developing these. 




Deliverable Reference Description Achievements

Communication and language learning models


This document provides a model of learning, participant interaction and task design in 3D environments. The document is based on best practice models built up under the project. 

WP2-2 Guidelines for educators      

This document provides guidelines and recommendations for educators and administrators who are considering setting up learning events or conducting language learning modules in 3D environments for the first time. It draws on information from all phases of the WP. 


WP2-3 Introductory Multimedia kit for learners  

This information package provides language learners with information about the potential for language learning in 3D environments and provides them with basic technical information for access to different 3D environments employed in the project. It draws on information made available to the WP via the established feedback channels of the WP, and experiences that we made as educators. 



Developments of Scenarios 


(Course outlines)  

This deliverable describes the language learning scenarios which have been run under the project. In the general course scenario descriptions we show how we have attempted to maximise learner engagement with the physical environment and with other learners. There are also detailed descriptions of the different iterations with materials and artefacts available for use of the general virtual world learning community. 


WP2-5 Feedback Questionnaires   

The questionnaires have been used to receive feed-back and information from learners and educators before and after the courses in order to help us develop our scenarios. We have made these available for others to use in our Survey Monkey account in the form of electronic questionnaire templates which are returned with an email reply button for speedy return to whoever wants to use them. Two types of questionnaires have been administered: to participating teachers and teacher-trainers and secondly to participating students. 


WP2-6 Learning Scenario - Reward Model

The reward model provides an outline of some of the models used in the scenarios, where the social dimensions as well as principles from game design added to the atmosphere and motivation of the learning experience. The document provides prototype reward models with practical implementations in different types of learning scenarios.


WP2-7 Story board- plot 

The Storyboard provides a description of the dramaturgic frameworks used in the individual learning scenarios. It provides a general and adaptable framework which can be applied to any course design.




During the course of the work package we have developed several new resources, which are not directly linked to the work package deliverables. These are listed here. 




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The material throughout this wiki is available under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike agreement established between the project partners.









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