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Page history last edited by Gary Motteram 2 months, 1 week ago


Welcome to AVALON Learning

AVALON = Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline


This space should now be considered an archive of this project. Please do not expect all of the links to work (29/7/24)


During the duration of the project this wiki space served primarily as an innovative management tool and was used to keep track of the ongoing developments of the project. It now acts as one part of the repository (WP4.1). The links in the table below are arranged around our project deliverables to reflect this. For an outline of the aims of the project look here.


The AVALON Learning website which is our official project home links to particular pages in this wiki where the deliverables are stored, however, each page here also has an introduction. You can explore the detail of the project by staying here, however, if you wish to get a more systematic and limited tour, start at the AVALON Learning website.


This wiki is one of four on-line spaces maintained as a part of the project, the other three are: our thriving and growing Ning community, our AVALON project web pages and our Second Life Island.



The original project description can be found here: Project Proposal


Work packages

WP topic

Lead partner

Work Package 1

Forming and maintaining the community


Work Package 2

Task and scenario design

Uni of Pisa 

Work Package 3

Action learning


Work package 4

Virtual learning platform


Work package 5

Training course development


Work package 6

Pilot test for the training course


Work package 7


Uni of Vienna 

Work package 8



Work package 9



Work package 10

Project management




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The material throughout this wiki is availabe under a Creative Commons Non-Commercail Share Alike agreement established between the project partners.


European Commission and Creative Commons logos




















Need Help? We're here for you:


  1. The PBwiki Manual and 30-second training videos can help show you how to edit, add videos and invite users.
  2. Want to know the best way to set up your wiki, or what usernames students should use? Connect with other educators in our community forums (not a support forum).
  3. The best way to get your support questions answered is to click the help link at the top of this wiki.  Our support gurus will get back to you asap.
  4. Please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact on our project homepage http://avalon-learning.eu  









Comments (1)

klaus said

at 7:11 am on Sep 22, 2022

Hm, how to update?

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