BT - Assessment 3

Assessment 3

The Group Presentation takes place at the very end of the course. It bears a great deal of similarity to the individual presentation (Assessment 1), but is a team effort.

The theme of the presentation is up to your Buddy Group to decide upon. One suggestion is to choose areas of interest each of you have … and then work out a way to link them together.

In an earlier gestalt of this course (which didn't run in Second Life - because SL didn't exist back in those days!), one group consisted of an artist who worked in ceramics and textiles, a mathematician and a social worker. They used the concept of 'tessellation' as their theme. The artist showed how ceramic tiles can be designed to fit together in several different ways; the mathematician explained the mathematical concept of tessellation; and the social worker picked up on the theme of recurring patterns and described how situations of abuse and family breakdown tend to recur from generation to generation (and also what you could do to stop it!).

You don't have to do it like this … but it might be fun to try to put together a presentation consisting of some quite disparate elements!


The only parameter you have to keep to:

Preparing for Assessment 3

You'll be making presentations at each of the Course Meetings and getting feedback on them, but here are some specific tips:

  • Talk through how Assessment 1 went for each of you. What did you learn about your own performance? How are you going to make it better? How are you going to link together the different talents of your own Buddy Group members.
  • Liaise with your buddy group (and with your US partner/s). Try your presentations out on each other and give each other feedback. You could use the method of feedback I use at Course Meetings - or devise your own.
  • Practise your presentations several times before the big day!
  • Decide on how many marks you're going to give each other for the Group Mark (out of 10). You can give each other the same mark, or have different marks for different people. David will ask you for your group mark at the end of your presentation. 
  • And, of course, ask if there's anything you're uncertain about.